Divisions and Areas
The following list describes the divisions and major areas of Arisia. This list is made in the context of Arisia 2013, and things do shift from year to year. See Org Chart for the complete staff breakdown and contact information.
If your area is missing, please create one, or ask your Div Head to create one for you.
You can find a template for creating an description of your area at: Area Page Template
Con Chair (Category:Conchair)
- Assistant Con Chairs and Con Chair on Duty
- Documentation Chair
- Special Projects
- Convention Treasurer (Category:Treasurer)
- GOH Liaison (Category:GOH Liaison)
- On Line management GoH (or other VIP) autographing and line management
- Promotional Parties
- Application IT
- Zambia (scheduling)
- Convention Master (registration)
- Schedule Publishing
- Incident Response Team (IRT)
- Vaccination Verification
Communications (Category:Communications)
- Online
- Convention Website (Category:Web)
- Social Media
- Mobile Schedules
- Marketing
- Press Liaison
Events (Category:Events)
Exhibits (Category:Fixed Functions)
Food Functions (Category:Food)
- Tabletop Gaming (Category:TableTop Gaming)
- LARPs (Category:LARPs)
- Video Games (Category:Video Gaming)
- Game Expo (Category: Game Expo)
Hotel (Category:Hotel)
- At-Con Hotel Liaisons
- Innkeeper (Category:Innkeeper)
- Parties at Arisia
- Resume Wrangler (aka "Schedule of Events")
- Food BEOs
- Food Trucks
Member Services (Category:Member Services)
- Access (Category:Access)
- Blood Mobile Liaison (Category:Blood Mobile)
- Bone Marrow Drive
- Coat Check (Category:Coat Check)
- Cosplay Repair Station (Category:Cosplay Repair Station)
- Photo Booth
- Info Desk (Category:Info Desk)
- Press Relations (Category:Press Relations)
- Promotions and Sponsorships (Category:freebies)
- Pronoun Ribbons
- Quiet Room
- Charity Bake Sale (Category:Tiptree Bake Sale)
Ops (Category:Ops)
- IT (Category:IT)
- Logistics (Category:Logistics)
- Ops Desk (Category:Ops Desk)
- The Watch (Category:Security)
- Sign Shop (Category:Sign Shop)
Programming (Category:Programming)
Registration (Category:Registration)
Contact Information: registration@arisia.org
Remote Conferencing (Category:Remote)
Safety (Category:Security)
(formerly The-Watch and Security)
Team Arisia Services
(TAS formerly Staff Services)
- Volunteers Area Head
- Team Arisia Headquarters
- Volunteer Desk
- Space Pilot Program
- Duck Hunt
- Ribbons
- Training
- Staff T-Shirts/Swag Coordination
Technical Services (was Tech) (Category:Technical Services (was Category:Tech))
For general notes, please see Things people should know, as written c. A'15.
Area Positions
These are positions and responsibilities one inherits for the entire convention timeframe. These are generally Area Heads, or critical services that need to be provided throughout the convention.
- Tech Director (Tech Services Division Head)
Runtime Positions
The following are runtime stage positions that may or may not be applied to different events during Arisia. Many of these positions are open for anyone to jump into and volunteer!
Events For Which Tech Provides Support
Tech provides event support for a number of events which are common from year to year. Generally, these fall under the Events Division. Tech also provides support for general programming panels via the Program AV sub-department.
Tech Supported Venues
Technical Services supports events within several venues of the convention, including:
- Main Stage (was Main Tent)
- Second Stage (was Small Tent)
- Dance Hall (was Dance Tent)
Convention Treasurer (Category:Treasurer)
Please see the main page http://staff.arisia.org for a link to the current convention budget.
Youth Services (Category:Youth Services)
- Babysitting aka Turtle Track (Category:Turtle Track),
- Fast Track (Category:Fast Track)
- Teen Lounge (Category:Teen Lounge)
- Teen Unconference (Category:Teen Unconference)
Divheads, there's an information page for you too.