A'09 Org Chart: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "''Last Edited: February 2, 2009 -RKOV''<br />'''Please do not edit this page unless you are Lisa/Jasra or Ben.'''<br />''(subject to change - some of the open positions might alr...")
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''Last Edited: February 2, 2009 -RKOV''<br />'''Please do not edit this page unless you are Lisa/Jasra or Ben.'''<br />''(subject to change - some of the open positions might already be filled)''
''If you see things that need to be updated on this page you can send email to [mailto:webmaster@arisia.org  webmaster@arisia.org].''
To see who held these positions at A'08, take a look at: [http://2008.arisia.org/staffOrgChart08  http://2008.arisia.org/staffOrgChart08]
This staff list will be used to create the list of staff people in the Souvenir Book, so please make sure this list is complete so everyone will get credit for their work on the con.

Revision as of 14:30, 27 February 2012

[/OrgChart09#Events Events] - [/OrgChart09#FixedFunctions Fixed Functions] - [/OrgChart09#Marketing Marketing (and Publications)] - [/OrgChart09#MemberServices Member Services] - [/OrgChart09#Ops Ops] - [/OrgChart09#Programming Programming]

Chairman (chair@arisia.org): Jill Eastlake

  • Assistant Chairman: Rick Kovalcik
  • Administration (chair@arisia.org): Pat Vandenberg
  • Guest of Honor Liaison (goh-liaison@arisia.org): Pat Vandenberg
    • Staff: Carol Salemi, Elka Tovah Davidoff, and Samantha Dings
  • Meeting Facilitator: Buzz Harris
  • Special Project: Elka Tovah Davidoff
  • Timeline (chair@arisia.org): Conor Walsh
  • Treasurer (contreasurer@arisia.org): Cris Shuldiner
    • Staff: Kathleen Morrison
    • Staff: Buzz Harris

Events Division (events@arisia.org): Glenn MacWilliams

  • Assistant Div Head: David D'Antonio and Mary Dumas
  • Arisia TV: Solomon Davidoff, Paul Selkirk
  • Adm Asst: M. E. Perreira
  • Blood Drive: John Hodges
    • Naughty Nurses Coordinator: Adria Alumbaugh

  • Gaming (gaming@arisia.org) James Pinkerton
  • Dances
    • Cosplay Costume Prom: Paul Aldred
    • Goth Vampire Twilight Party: Drew VanZandt
    • Saturnalia: Circus Dance Extravagonza Lindsay Barbieri, Coruus Woolf, Jacob Lefton
    • Steampunk Historical Dance: Barbara Pugliese, Antonia Pugliese
  • LARPs (larps@arisia.org) Conor Walsh and James Pinkerton
  • Live Performances:
    • Rocky Horror: Christina Hodge
    • Buffy: Art Laurie
    • Dr. Horrible: Eric Carter
    • Kid's Sing-along: Jen Flis
    • Radio Players: B.K. DeLong, Neil Marsh, Becki Harrington-Davis
    • Higgins Armory: Mark Millman
      • Live Steel: Steven Hirsch
      • Knight Game: Steven Hirsch
  • Masquerade (masquerade@arisia.org): Richard A. Hill
    • Assistant Masquerade Director: Sharon Sbarsky
    • MC: Marty Gear
    • Stage Manager: Joel Lord
    • Judges
      • Presentation Judges: Ricky Dick, Walter H Hunt, Rae Bradbury
        • Judges' Clerk:
      • Workmanship Judge: Karen Dick
        • Judge's Clerk:
    • Adult Masquerade Green Room: Stacey Mandell
      • Den Moms:
      • Repair Table:
    • Children's Masquerade Green Room:
      • Den Moms:
      • Repair Table:
    • Halftime Entertainment: Lance Oszko
    • House Manager: Kat Hannon
      • Ushers:
    • Kamikaze Kids: Persis Thorndike & Lisa Hertel
    • Ninja Lead: Ann Catelli
      • Ninjas:
    • Official Photography: Sandy Middlebrooks
      • Assistants:
    • Automation: John Francini
    • Registration:
      • Assistant:
    • Hall Costume Awards: Northern Lights Costumers Guild (NOEL) represented by Cat Jackson-Mead
    • Certificate Design:
  • Participation:
    • Circus Time: Lindsay Barbieri, Corvus Woolf
    • Mt. Arisia: Jude Shabry
    • Shoalin Stretch: Bill "Crash" Yerazunis
  • Projected Media:
    • Anime (anime@arisia.org): Mary Dumas
    • Films (films@arisia.org): Scott "Kludge" Dorsey
      • Staff: Hugh Colston, Melissa McDowell, Scott Norwood
      • Japanese translations: Etsuko Foster
      • Silent Movie Organist: Gary McGrath
    • Video (video@arisia.org): Lance Oszko
  • Technical Director (tech@arisia.org): J.Michael Spencer
    • Assistant Tech Directors: Matt Barr and Abby Noyce
    • Lighting Designer: Al "Hobbit" Walker
    • Sound Designer: Dan Noe
    • Video Director: Megan Gentry and Syd Weinstein
      • Video Coordinator: Paul Aldred
      • Video Staff: Peter Prendergast and Pam Larson
      • ArisiaTV Feed: Carl Zwanzig

Fixed Functions Division (FixedFunctions@arisia.org): Benjamin Levy

  • Assistant Div Head: September Isdell
  • Art Show (artshow@arisia.org): Nicholas "Phi" Shectman
    • Crew: Ted Atwood, Judy Bemis, Gay Ellen Dennett, Ira Donewitz, Paula Lieberman, Rex Powell, Harvey Rubinovitz, Andrea Senchy, Amy West
    • Check-In/Check-Out: Bonnie Atwood
    • Security: Walter Kahn
    • Set-up/Tear-down: Rob Allison, Aaron Ball, Ellen Blackburn, BDan Fairchild, Lenny Foner, Tamara Gurevitz, Megan Lewis, The Marvelous MERV
    • Student Art Contest (student-art@arisia.com): Skip Morris
      • Assistant: Joni Dashoff
      • Mailer: Carol Ann London
  • Dealers Liaison (dealers@arisia.org): Amy Chused
    • Assistant Dealer Liaison: Ed Trachtenberg
  • Food: (food@arisia.org) Tamar Amidon
  • Hotel: (hotel@arisia.org)
    • Triumvirate: Rachel Silber, September Isdell, & Steve Huff
      • Resume: Rachel Silber
      • Room Assignments: Emily Coombs
      • Speaker to Hotel:
      • At-Con Hotel Liaisons: Dennis McCunney, Elaine Brennan, & Marc Gordon
    • Innkeeper (innkeeper@arisia.org): Emily Coombs
    • Party Czarina (parties@arisia.org): September Isdell
    • Speaker to Lunch Trucks:
    • Transportation
      • Buses & Parking: Steve Huff
  • Pros(e) in the Balcony: Kelly J. Cooper
  • Staff Website: Benjamin Levy and Lisa "Jasra" Holsberg

Marketing and Publications Division (marketing@arisia.org) : Jerome Connor and Skip Morris

  • Marketing: Jerome Connor
    • Ad Sales: Helen Francini
    • Badge Design: Dave Seeley
    • Flyer Design: Stacey Mandell
    • Flyer Production & Distribution: Jerome Connor
    • Graphics & Design: Stacy Mandell
    • Marketing Toys & Gimicks:
    • Online-Presence: Paul Fest
    • Press Liaison:
    • Promotional Parties: Jerome Connor
    • Speaker-to-Artists: Skip Morris
    • T-shirts:
      • Sales Shirt Design: Dave Seeley
      • Volunteer Shirt Design: Mouse
    • Web Arisia TV: Jim Belfiore
  • Braille Program: Alicia "Kestrell" Verlager
  • Large Print Pubs: Rick Kovalcik
  • Mass Mailer
    • Database Coordination/NCOA: Carol London, Skip
    • Design: Paul Selkirk
  • Newsletter: (newsletter@arisia.org)
    • Editors: Beca Oliveira, Roger Newmann
    • Color Newsletter Editor: Lia Olsborg
    • Program Changes:
    • Staff Photographers: Carsten Turner and Stephanie Fine
    • Reporters:
    • Printing & Distribution: Madeline "Mitch" Hahn, Crystal Huff, and Rick Kovalcik
  • PDA/Webphone Schedules:�
    • Creation: Benjamin Levy
    • Distribution:
  • Pocket Program: Paul & Skip (Mostly Paul)
    • Design & Layout:
    • General Data Coordination:
    • Zambia Data Coordination:
    • Grid:
    • Hotel Maps:
    • Prufreeders: Lisa Hertel, Elka Davidoff, Pat Vandenberg
  • Production
    • Speaker-to-Printers: Skip Morris
    • Mass Mailer Production & Mailing: Skip
    • T-Shirt Production Coordinator: Skip
    • Braille Program Production:
  • Publication Office SysAdmin:
  • Restaurant Guide: Lia Olsborg
    • Design & Layout:
    • Data Coordination:
    • Survey Team:
  • Sign Shop: Jet Turi, Whitney
    • Pre-con Production: Skip
    • At-con Staff: Erica Schultz
    • Gridwall Setup: Skip
    • Distribution & Collection: Adrienne Connolly
  • Souvenir Book:
    • Design & Layout: Dennis Mccunney
    • Data Coordination: Skip & Dennis
    • Art Direction:
    • Prufreeders: Elka, Lisa & Pat
  • Convention Website
    • Design: Jerome Connor, Jill Eastlake & John Francini
    • Webmaster & Data Coordination: John Francini

Member Services Division (member-services@arisia.org): Crystal Huff

  • Assistant Division Head: Jonathan Venezian
  • Access (access@arisia.org): Buzz Harris
    • Assistant: Alicia "Kestrell" Verlager
  • Childcare (childcare@arisia.org) (AKA "TurtleTrack"): Rev. Ocean Thundermoon
  • Coat Check: Anna Bradley
  • Elevators (elevators@arisia.org): Jacob Lefton
    • Staff:
  • Fan Services:
    • Freebies: Jonathan Venezian
    • Fan Tables: Richard "JB" Segal
  • Information Desk (info-desk@arisia.org): Julia Suggs
  • Registration (reg@arisia.org): Lisa "Jasra" Holsberg, Kris "Nchanter" Snyder
    • Staff:
  • Volunteers (volunteers@arisia.org):
    • Pre-con Volunteer Email.: Kris Page
    • Volunteer Lounge Lizard: Robert Luoma
    • Staff:

Ops Division (Ops@arisia.org): Noel Rosenberg

  • Assistant Div Head (ops@arisia.org): Jack Dietz
  • Logistics (logistics@arisia.org): Lia Olsborg
    • Staff: Noel Rosenberg, Rick Kovalcik, Hobbit
  • Massage Den (massage@arisia.org): Steve Balzac
    • Staff: David Howe, Ian Osmond, Jocelyn Van Bokklen, Lee Ann Dorr, Sara Geraughty, and Scott Meeks
  • Ops Desk (ops-desk@arisia.org):� Colette Fozard
    • Staff: Chuck Fozard, Mr. Shirt, Nick Ferris, Tegan Ferris, Craig McDonough, Kit Golan
  • Ribbons: (ribbons@arisia.org): Sharon Sbarsky
  • Security (security@arisia.org): Geoff Turi
    • Assistant: Adam MacLaughlin
    • Staff:

Programming (programming@arisia.org): Bridget Boyle

  • Assistant Div Head: Mike Sprague
  • Deputies: Jeff Warner and Michael Whitehouse
  • Jiminy Cricket: Rachel Silber
  • Troubleshooter:: Elaine Brennan
  • Program Nexus
    • Day: Jeff Warner
    • Night time: Michael Whitehouse
  • Brainstorm: Jack Dietz
  • Editor: Ann Thomas
    • Asst: Shira Lipkin
  • Zambia Development: Peter Olszowka
    • Zambia Sysadmin: Alex "Siggy" Latzko
  • Tracks:
    • Anime: Mary Dumas
    • Comics: Shira Lipkin
    • Costume: Lisa A. Ashton
    • Fandom: Bridget Boyle
    • Fast Track (fasttrack@arisia.org): Persis Thorndike, Lisa Hertel
      • Staff: Kit Golan, Peter Breton, Allan R. Kent, Felisa Weiss, Lowell Gilbert, Kate Norwood
    • Filk: Joe Kesselman
    • Gaming: James Pinkerton (shared person with Events*)
    • Life 2.0: Mike Sprague
    • Lifestyles: Michael "Micah" Schneider
    • Literature: Bridget Boyle and Mike Sprague
    • Media: Dan Kimmel
    • Science: Bill "Crash" Yerazunis
    • Day: Susan Levitin
    • Night: Michael Whitehouse